My name is Travis Phillips, aka Shug, The Painted Chef. I've got over 180 hours of tattoos. I own a catering company, The Painted Chef. I've been featured on FrankenFood on Spike TV, Deep Fried Masters on the Discovery Channel, South Magazine, and everyday life!
Thank you for visiting my site!
Hames Hall — Established in 1955, a wonderful location to host your next gathering / wedding event!. Hames Hall has an unmatched heritage and elegant charm that you'll want to surround your wedding day with.
THe PAinted Chef
"Register's new food destination!" — The Georgia Anne
"He is a great representation of the tattooed community that embraces their art and makes it an important part of not just their lives, but their careers." — Steadfast Brand
"An unforgettable time that inspired a new relationship with cooking and eating. " — City Gazette
2017 Winners of South's Greatest Chefs Contest —South Mag
Meat The Vegan Cookoff — Savannah Tribune